
Here you can find links to all of our documentation, tutorials, and example projects. If you’re setting up your PiSoC for the first time, you should check out Getting Started with the PiSoC. If you’re setting up your Circuit Playground Inventor’s Kit for the first time, check out Circuit Playground Getting Started.


AllScratchPythonPSoC CreatorPiSoCCircuit PlaygroundArduino

Circuit Playground Arduino and Python Support

Circuit Playground Scratch Blocks

Circuit Playground Getting Started

PiSoC Reference

PSoC Creator

PiSoC Installation

PiSoC Scratch Blocks

PiSoC Scratch Documentation

PiSoC Python Documentation

Getting Started with the PiSoC



AllPsoC CreatorPythonScratchRaspberry PiC++LabviewPiSoCCircuit Playground

Make your own video game controller!

Make your own PSoC Programmer

Labview Linx

Leap Motion Control

Face Tracker

Sun Tracker: In Scratch, Python, and PSoC Creator

Oscilloscope and Function Generator

Homebrewing with the PiSoC